Warner Bros. Studio Tour: Do's and Don'ts

December 3, 2018

Hi everyone! Sorry for the long writing break; school has been taking over my life here in Berlin (yes, that means I haven't had a lot of time to travel on my own). However, I promised you all a blog post about my recent trip to the Warner Bros. Studio Tour in London! Here, I will provide you with some "do's and don't" to make your day extra MAGICAL!

First, I want to start off by discussing how amazing my day was. I'm a huge Harry Potter fan so I paid extra to get the VIP Deluxe Ticket and it was 110% worth it (I'll talk more about what my ticket included below). I spent a solid 7 hours at the studio and I wished I didn't have to go back to my airbnb that evening! I also did A LOT of shopping! We can say that I had to take a break from spending for a little bit after that trip!

What to DO at the Warner Bros. Studio Tour: London!

1) Buy your tickets ahead of time!

This will help you avoid so many long lines that would take away from the magic on the day of. If you are getting your tickets online, remember that the earlier/later your time slot is, the less busy it will be. The afternoons are usually pretty crowded!

2) Dress for the weather!

There is a section of the studio tour called The Backlot. The Backlot is OUTSIDE and includes a lot of cool features, like Privet Drive, the Hogwarts Bridge and the Knight Bus! You're going to want to grab a Butterbeer and spend time talking it all in! You don't want to be too cold or too hot. Make sure you're dress appropriately!

3) Make sure you watch all the movies again before the trip!

The studio tour is all about how the movies are made! What's the point of going if you haven't rewatched the movies! You’ll need to re-familiarize yourself with all the facts and figures, the sets and storylines, the characters’ names! It will definitely help in the end.

4) If you're able to, GET A DELUXE TICKET!

Getting a deluxe ticket was the best choice of my trip to London. As a major Harry Potter fan, I had access to things other people didn't. For example, my package included 4 professional pictures and 1 video. I got 2 photos in front of the Hogwarts Express and 2 on a Broom Stick. For my video, I got one filmed of me flying over London! (TIP: If you're a Slytherin, make sure you ask about your robe in advance because the green on the robe may match the green screen...and you don't want that!) Next, I also got a free Studio Tour book that reminds me about my special day. I also got a complimentary Butterbeer and a private lunch, along with my private tour! I think my favorite part about having VIP was that we could go through the tour as many times as we wanted to, while other people could only go through once. Also, we got access to sets when groups weren't there. For example: I got to go into the Great Hall without a swarm of people! It was such an amazing experience, if I ever go again, I am doing deluxe! The ticket information is attached with the following link: https://www.wbstudiotour.co.uk/tickets

What NOT to do at the Warner Bros. Studio Tour: London

1) Don't show up in the afternoon!

I talked about this a little bit above, but if you don't want a crowded experience, make sure you either show up early in the morning or later that evening. Most people tend to go in the afternoon and it gets very crowded and hectic. Especially because I was doing a lot of shopping later and wanted less people, I set my tour time for 10:00. It got busy toward the end of my day but for the beginning it was fine!

2) Don't feel as though you have to rush through the exhibit!

If you do attend the tour at a later time, there tends to be people rushing through the exhibit and pushing their way through to the front. YOU PAID FOR A TICKET ALSO so you should be able to take your time to see everything YOU want to see! This is your magical day, you want to make it count and memorable!

There wasn't much that I wouldn't do at the Studio. This was the day I gave myself permission to splurge on. Even though I did spend a good amount of money on the Deluxe tickets and at the gift shop, every memory I made I know I will cherish forever!


  1. Excellent portrayal. Loved the minute details mentioned. Love this post.
    harry potter tours from london

  2. 2nd Logo: Warner Home Video (December 1985-2019) (USA, Canada & International)

    Music/Sounds: 1930s Warner Bros. fanfare + 1937 Warner Bros. fanfare + 1940s Warner Bros. fanfare + 1948 Warner Bros. fanfare + 1970s Warner Bros. fanfare + 1984 Warner Bros. fanfare = 1985 Warner Home Video fanfare

    • https://closinglogosgroup.miraheze.org/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment
    • https://closinglogogroup.fandom.com/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment/Summary
    • https://closinglogogroup.fandom.com/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment/Other
    • https://logos.fandom.com/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment
    • https://logos.fandom.com/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment/Other
    • https://logos.fandom.com/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment/On-Screen_Variations
    • https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment
    • https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warner_Bros.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Warner Bros. logos:
    • Independent (1923-1929)
    • First National Pictures (1924-1937)
    • Warner Bros.-First National (1937-1958)
    • Vitaphone (1926-1967)
    • Warner Bros.-Seven Arts (1967-1970)
    • Kinney National (1969-1971)
    • Kinney Services (1971)
    • Kinney Leisure Service (1971)
    • Kinney (1971-1972)
    • Warner Communications (1972-1990)
    • Time Warner (1990-2003)
    • Time Warner Entertainment (1992-2001)
    • AOL Time Warner (2001-2004)
    • TimeWarner (2003-2018)
    • WarnerMedia (2018-present)
    • On-screen logos
    • On-screen variants
    • In-credit variants
    • Closing variants
    • Ending variants
    • Print versions
    • Inverted Print versions
    • Color versions
    • Alternative versions
    • Horizontal versions
    • Ink-Label Print versions
    • Inverted Ink-Label Print versions
    • Trademark versions and variants
    • Registered trademark versions and variants
    • Copyright notices

    • https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warner_Bros.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  7. Cartoon Network Studios logo variations:
    • White Background with Baby Blue Box (2001-present)
    • White Background with Orange Box (2001-present)
    • White Background with Neon Green Box (2001-present)
    • White Background with Red Box (2001-present)
    • White Background with White Box (2001-present)
    • White Background with Gray Box (2001-present)
    • White Background with White Box (2013-present)
    • White Background with Blue-Cyan Box (2013-present)
    • White Background with Pink-Magenta Box (2013-present)
    • White Background with Yellow Box (2013-present)
    • Black Background with Baby Blue Box (2001-present)
    • Black Background with Orange Box (2001-present)
    • Black Background with Neon Green Box (2001-present)
    • Black Background with Red Box (2001-present)
    • Black Background with White Box (2001-present)
    • Black Background with Gray Box (2001-present)
    • Black Background with White Box (2013-present)
    • Black Background with Blue-Cyan Box (2013-present)
    • Black Background with Pink-Magenta Box (2013-present)
    • Black Background with Yellow Box (2013-present)

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      • Magic Powers πŸ‘€
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      • Turn On: Name: Jack Bradshaw πŸ‘€
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      • Power Switch On: Brain: Ears πŸ‘‚πŸ‘€
      • Plus + πŸ‘€

    2. Information: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cartoon_Network_Studios

  8. Cartoon Network logos:
    • 1st Logo (1991-1992)
    • 2nd Logo (1992-present)
    • 3rd Logo (2004-present)
    • 4th Logo (2010-present)

    1. Following πŸ‘€
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      Name: Jack Bradshaw πŸ‘€
      • Magic Powers πŸ‘€
      • Time and Date ⏰πŸ“…πŸ‘€
      • Earth πŸŒŽπŸ‘€
      • Turn On: Name: Jack Bradshaw πŸ‘€
      • Power Switch On: Name: Jack Bradshaw πŸ‘€
      • Turn On: Brain πŸ‘€
      • Power Switch On: Brain πŸ‘€
      • Turn On: Brain: Eyes πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
      • Power Switch On: Brain: Eyes πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
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      • Power Switch On: Brain: Ears πŸ‘‚πŸ‘€
      • Plus + πŸ‘€

    2. Information: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cartoon_Network

  9. Cartoon Network Studios logos:
    • 1st Logo (1996-2000)
    • 2nd Logo (2000-2006)
    • 3rd Logo (2001-present)
    • 4th Logo (2010-2015)
    • 5th Logo (2013-present)

    1. Following πŸ‘€
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      Name: Jack Bradshaw πŸ‘€
      • Magic Powers πŸ‘€
      • Time and Date ⏰πŸ“…πŸ‘€
      • Earth πŸŒŽπŸ‘€
      • Turn On: Name: Jack Bradshaw πŸ‘€
      • Power Switch On: Name: Jack Bradshaw πŸ‘€
      • Turn On: Brain πŸ‘€
      • Power Switch On: Brain πŸ‘€
      • Turn On: Brain: Eyes πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
      • Power Switch On: Brain: Eyes πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
      • Turn On: Brain: Ears πŸ‘‚πŸ‘€
      • Power Switch On: Brain: Ears πŸ‘‚πŸ‘€
      • Plus + πŸ‘€

    2. Information: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cartoon_Network_Studios

  10. 2nd Logo: Warner Home Video (December 1985-2019) (USA, Canada, International, UK & Australia)

    Music/Sounds: 1930s Warner Bros. fanfare + 1937 Warner Bros. fanfare + 1940s Warner Bros. fanfare + 1948 Warner Bros. fanfare + 1970s Warner Bros. fanfare + 1984 Warner Bros. fanfare = 1985 Warner Home Video fanfare

    1. Information:
      • https://closinglogosgroup.miraheze.org/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment
      • https://closinglogogroup.fandom.com/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment/Summary
      • https://closinglogogroup.fandom.com/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment/Other
      • https://logos.fandom.com/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment
      • https://logos.fandom.com/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment/Other
      • https://logos.fandom.com/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment/On-Screen_Variations
      • https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment
      • https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warner_Bros.

    2. Following πŸ‘€
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      Name: Jack Bradshaw πŸ‘€
      • Magic Powers πŸ‘€
      • Time and Date ⏰πŸ“…πŸ‘€
      • Earth πŸŒŽπŸ‘€
      • Turn On: Name: Jack Bradshaw πŸ‘€
      • Power Switch On: Name: Jack Bradshaw πŸ‘€
      • Turn On: Brain πŸ‘€
      • Power Switch On: Brain πŸ‘€
      • Turn On: Brain: Eyes πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
      • Power Switch On: Brain: Eyes πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
      • Turn On: Brain: Ears πŸ‘‚πŸ‘€
      • Power Switch On: Brain: Ears πŸ‘‚πŸ‘€
      • Plus + πŸ‘€

  11. Warner Bros. Records (1973-2019) logos:
    · On-screen logo (1985-2017)
    · Print versions
    · Color version
    · Ink-Label Print versions
    · Inverted versions
    · Trademark version
    · Registered trademark version
    · Copyright notices

    1. Logo: https://d1w8cc2yygc27j.cloudfront.net/-4966068959113384619/-7171036189992500968.jpg + https://img.discogs.com/CyolLJ6i-eZVLR4gH-Dsq5uP0Sc=/fit-in/200x213/filters:strip_icc():format(jpeg):mode_rgb():quality(90)/discogs-images/L-41321-1339712774-1211.gif.jpg + https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/logopedia/images/c/cd/Warner-Chappell_Music_logo.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140105213038 + https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artist#:~:text=An%20artist%20is%20a%20person,in%20the%20visual%20arts%20only. = https://d1w8cc2yygc27j.cloudfront.net/-4966068959113384619/-7171036189992500968.jpg

    2. Information: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warner_Records

    3. Following πŸ‘€
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      Name: Jack Bradshaw πŸ‘€
      • Magic Powers πŸ‘€
      • Time and Date ⏰πŸ“…πŸ‘€
      • Earth πŸŒŽπŸ‘€
      • Turn On: Name: Jack Bradshaw πŸ‘€
      • Power Switch On: Name: Jack Bradshaw πŸ‘€
      • Turn On: Brain πŸ‘€
      • Power Switch On: Brain πŸ‘€
      • Turn On: Brain: Eyes πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
      • Power Switch On: Brain: Eyes πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
      • Turn On: Brain: Ears πŸ‘‚πŸ‘€
      • Power Switch On: Brain: Ears πŸ‘‚πŸ‘€
      • Plus + πŸ‘€

  12. • Warner Bros. (1923-present)
    • Hanna-Barbera (1957-present)
    • Cartoon Network (1991-present)

  13. 2nd Logo: Warner Home Video (December 1985-December 2005, USA, Canada, International, UK & Australia)

    Music/Sounds: A proud, bombastic synthesized rendition of the usage in 1930s/40s/50s/70s Warner Bros. fanfare, which really fits the logo as the usage in films. As a side note, a lusher orchestrated theme with the same notes as the HV logo was briefly used as the fanfare for the movie WB shield when it returned to usage in 1984. Also, there is a brief gust of wind when the camera zooms out from the logo as the logo turns towards us. Silent for the still version.

    Availability: Used on Home Video releases at the time.

    • https://closinglogosgroup.miraheze.org/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment#2nd_Logo_(December_1985-March_1999)
    • https://closinglogosgroup.miraheze.org/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment
    • https://closinglogogroup.fandom.com/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment/Summary
    • https://closinglogogroup.fandom.com/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment/Other
    • https://logos.fandom.com/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment
    • https://logos.fandom.com/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment/Other
    • https://logos.fandom.com/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment/On-Screen_Variations
    • https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment
    • https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warner_Bros.

  14. 2nd Print Logo: Warner Home Video (1985-2005, USA, Canada, International, UK & Australia)

    As seen on Home Video covers

    • https://closinglogosgroup.miraheze.org/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment
    • https://closinglogogroup.fandom.com/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment/Summary
    • https://closinglogogroup.fandom.com/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment/Other
    • https://logos.fandom.com/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment
    • https://logos.fandom.com/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment/Other
    • https://logos.fandom.com/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment/On-Screen_Variations
    • https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warner_Bros._Home_Entertainment
    • https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warner_Bros.


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