Guten Tag!
I’m in Berlin for the next 4 months studying abroad!
This place is absolutely gorgeous, it’s the place I feel I should have been in all along. It radiates positivity. The sights and the smells and the immersive culture are something I’ve wanted to experience my whole life, and by living and studying here for a whole 4 months I get to experience it like a true native!
As a history major, naturally I’m drawn to the history and the geographical importance that covers everything here. Everywhere you look in the city there’s always something of historical significance, and there’s so much to learn!
By being in such a loving positive place, one thing I really wanted to work on was my self image and how I viewed myself and my interactions with other people. I’m turning this into a peace mission for self love. I want to walk away from here with not only the experience but a new outlook on myself and my life. I want to stop looking to other people for validation of myself and my life, and accept myself and my circumstances for what they are and embrace them. I want to start living my life the way I want to live it, not the I think other people want it to be lived or how I’m told it should be lived. I want to go where I enjoy going, eat what I enjoy eating, and embrace being who I want to be.
For all those who might be experiencing a similar situation, or for those of you who are interesting in studying abroad, my only advice is this: 110% go for it, give your endevours and experiences all you have and have fun doing it!
See you in 3 and half months America!
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